
E-P Summit 2023: Where Fashion Meets the Future of Digital Technology

Pitti Immagine has once again bridged the worlds of high fashion and cutting-edge digital technology at the 2023 e-P Summit. This year, the event demonstrated how these two worlds are more interconnected than ever, creating waves of innovation that are redefining how we perceive and engage with fashion.

One of the standout moments of the summit was the insightful presentation by Emanuele Zinna, the Chief Marketing Officer of Shin Software. His topic “Real-time 3D as the new frontier of customer experience”, wasn’t just a presentation – it was an eye-opener. For many, the concept of 3D technology might still be confined to movies or games, but as Emanuele explained, it’s quickly becoming a game-changer in the fashion industry. The speech also highlighted the importance of adapting to these digital advancements. Brands that embrace real-time 3D now are positioning themselves at the vanguard of fashion’s future, ensuring they remain relevant and engaging in a rapidly evolving landscape.

The e-P Summit 2023 not only showcased the latest in digital fashion innovations but also demonstrated the industry’s agility and forward-thinking approach. As digital and fashion worlds continue to meld, events like these are crucial in setting the tone for what’s next, ensuring the fashion industry doesn’t just adapt but thrives in the digital age.

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